How to Grow Your TikTok Account

How to Grow Your TikTok Account

Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has been causing excitement and challenges to millions of people around the world. This media app is one of the most widely used around the world, as its videos can go viral and challenge others to do things they have never done before. However, not all users of this video app use their account efficiently, but if you want to gain more followers, and even make money with your TikTok account, then read on to get your music videos to every corner of the world.

To get good traffic and start increasing the number of followers on the TikTok social network you should consider the following aspects:

Interact With and Understand Your Audience

How to Grow Your TikTok Account

If you really want to go viral by making short music videos then you need to know what people want to see. Knowing this will make it easier for you to create and share content that your followers will like. However, before you know what your audience wants you must know what you are good at; if you are a good singer, dancer, comedian, etc. There are even those who are bad at doing something but that makes people laugh. Just identify what you want to share and how you're going to do it.

Be Constant

How to Grow Your TikTok Account
Once you know what you're going to share in your videos, you need to make sure you do it consistently. This way you can make sure you grow on this social network by keeping your followers' traffic coming in because when you upload new content constantly they will be waiting for you. You should consider that there are many things that can be found on the internet, some of them can happen very quickly, so with one or two viral videos you can make a positive impact on the media app.

Choose a Topic

The best way to achieve success with your TikTok account is by choosing a theme for the videos you want to make. Focus on making videos with the same theme so that your growth is much faster than usual.

Optimize Your Profile

Your profile is one of the most important aspects that can lead you to fame in this video app. Be sure to show in your profile who you are or how you want the public to see you. On your profile, you can put motivations for other people to follow you and watch your videos. So take your time and be as specific as possible to make a good first impression on other users of the social network.
How to Grow Your TikTok Account

Try to use a username that is easy to read, that your followers can easily remember and locate. But also be very careful with the information you share on your profile, because there are people who use TikTok with bad intentions, looking for information to extort or harm people, so protect your data.

Promote Your Videos on Other Social Networks

Promote Your Videos on Other Social Networks

A fairly efficient way to grow your TikTok account and increase your followers is by sharing your on your other social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. After all, TikTok is relatively new so it is a very good opportunity to viralize your videos that you've shared on other social networks where you have the most followers.

How Much Money Can I Make With Tiktok

As with other social media networks, using TikTok you can also generate some revenue. The most common way to do this is by making direct agreements with brands. Your duty is to promote the brand's product every time it makes a video and this will generate money for you.

As you grow within this media app, brands can increase the payout for your advertising-loaded videos. A brand can pay from $1,000 to $2,000 for a video in which you are promoting your products and it has 10,000 views.

make money by doing live on tiktok

Another way to monetize with this video app is by making live videos. By staying live for at least two hours, you can earn some money, depending on how many people were watching your live video. TikTok starts paying its users once they reach 1500 followers, the more followers the higher the revenue. For every 10,000 followers, it is estimated that this social media network can pay up to $100.

Nowadays there are many people who make these music videos and other types of videos as a hobby, but thanks to the monetization of these, you can earn money doing what you like best. Take advantage and take it as a work option to earn extra income and the more followers you have, the more chances you have to monetize with your account. So the first thing you need to do is to grow your audience.

However, in order to collect the money you can make with TikTok, you must be at least 16 years old and have your parents' approval. You must be 18 or older to enter into a contract with a brand. Users of this video app typically generate revenue with several options; merchandise sales, live streaming, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

To start generating more traffic to your Tik Tok account and increase your chances of generating revenue, you can start with the live streams, even if you don't have as many followers. This way you might receive some donations or "gifts" from your audience, which you can exchange for diamonds that can then be converted to money in your PayPal account.

make money by making hashtag challenge on tiktok

Making "Hashtags Challenges" is a great way to gain a following, and you can promote products and services at the same time in the media app. On the other hand, you should not expect brands to look for you to promote their products or services. Be the one who contacts them through their different social media networks, email, etc. Introduce them to your material, your audience, and everything you have to offer so that they recognize your potential and the way you can promote their products.

TikTok is not just a video app that people can entertain themselves with, but it's also a great opportunity to commune with other people, make fun music videos, and even make money with it. If you put your mind to it and are really good, you can become a big star.

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